Sacred Gift Crew Neck Sweatshirt


Children are a gift from God… Sometimes it’s hard to remember what a real gift these little people are and here is a sweatshirt to remind you.

They’re super soft, midnight, black, unisex crewnecks ranging in sizes 2T- Youth 10

They are true to size: Kate just turned 3 and she’s wearing a 3T, Jackson is 5 1/2 and he’s in a youth 5/6

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Children are a gift from God… Sometimes it’s hard to remember what a real gift these little people are and here is a sweatshirt to remind you.

They’re super soft, midnight, black, unisex crewnecks ranging in sizes 2T- Youth 10

They are true to size: Kate just turned 3 and she’s wearing a 3T, Jackson is 5 1/2 and he’s in a youth 5/6

Children are a gift from God… Sometimes it’s hard to remember what a real gift these little people are and here is a sweatshirt to remind you.

They’re super soft, midnight, black, unisex crewnecks ranging in sizes 2T- Youth 10

They are true to size: Kate just turned 3 and she’s wearing a 3T, Jackson is 5 1/2 and he’s in a youth 5/6