Cupid Can Keep His Arrows

I’ve always been a self-proclaimed Valentine’s Day hater. Every year, I look with disgust at couples spending money on ugly pink roses, gaudy teddy bears, and sickeningly sweet chocolate. You all know Valentine’s Day is a scam, right? It’s nothing more than a phony holiday where corporate America pressures everyone to buy extravagant gifts for their loved ones and pretend to be more in love than normal.

You all know Valentine’s Day is a scam, right?

At least, that’s what I used to say.

This year, I had someone to celebrate for the first time ever. And as much as it pains me to say, I actually enjoyed Valentine’s Day. A lot. And yes, I gave in and made impulse purchases for my loved one. And yes, I did love receiving chocolate and silly little gifts. I found myself asking, “Who have I become??” The fact is, love has changed me. My fiancé has changed me. I’ve become someone I don’t recognize; someone who loves celebrating Valentine’s Day.

This Valentine’s Day I realized how special it is to celebrate those we love. Of course we celebrate our loved ones every day. That’s why we spend time with them, and share ourselves with them, and cover them with a blanket when they’re napping, and shovel the sidewalk for them, and leave notes for them, and do the things they enjoy and eat the food they like.

I used to think that was enough; that there was no need for a commercialized holiday just to tell your loved ones you love them.

At the end of our lives, will we ever say we celebrated our loved ones too much?

And now, looking back, I wish I would have celebrated my friends and loved ones better on Valentine’s Day, instead of being cynical about a fluffy overdone holiday. Because at the end of our lives, will we ever say we celebrated our loved ones too much? Will we ever regret the ways we loved our spouses and friends and family? Even when it was “only” in the name of Valentine’s Day?


Make it stand out

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tina calls Northwestern Pennsylvania her home, and Queens, New York her sometimes home. She enjoys spending quality time with loved ones, reading captivating and educational books, spending time in coffee shops, and occasionally engaging in an active lifestyle via biking, rock climbing, hiking, and swimming. She values the power of words and loves to see writing change and impact lives. If you’d like to contact her directly, you can reach her at


Confessions of a Recovering Overachiever.