Take More for Granted

When we lose something or someone we love, we begin to realize how much of life we take for granted. We often don’t know how much we have and how richly we are blessed until we lose it. It’s a fact of life that we may never be able to get rid of.

We take small things for granted all the time and we won’t stop with a blog post. 

But I’m not here to tell you to stop taking life for granted or to go play with your kids while you can, or call your mom before it’s too late. We take small things for granted all the time and we won’t stop with a blog post. 

Isn’t it a mercy... that God grants us the bliss of normalcy and taking things for granted?

We wake up every morning, thinking everything will be the same. That everyone we love will still be there and the steady job we have will always be waiting on us. We assume that everything good in our life will keep being good. Of course we remember to be thankful for some things. What would a person be if they weren’t thankful? But no one is thankful for everything all of the time. Some might recognize that fact and think of it as a negative thing. And indeed, a thankful spirit is a necessity in a Christian life, but isn’t it a mercy that we can take things for granted? Isn’t it a mercy that we don’t constantly think about what we could lose; that God grants us the bliss of normalcy and taking things for granted?

We do not start our days scared that our house may be bombed.

We do not live in constant fear of losing our lives because of what we believe. 

We do not worry about when our next meal will be. 

We live taking the blessings of a safe shelter, security and freedom, and simple necessities for granted. Isn’t it a mercy that our lives are so normal that we take things for granted?

About the Author

Tina calls Northwestern Pennsylvania her home where she enjoys spending quality time with loved ones, reading captivating and educational books, spending time in coffee shops, and occasionally engaging in an active lifestyle via biking, rock climbing, hiking, and running. She values the power of words and loves to see writing change and impact lives. If you’d like to contact her directly, you can reach her at tina.thesimpledesignco@gmail.com.

Tina Byler

Tina calls Northwestern Pennsylvania her home where she enjoys spending quality time with loved ones, reading captivating and educational books, spending time in coffee shops, and occasionally engaging in an active lifestyle via biking, rock climbing, hiking, and running. She values the power of words and loves to see writing change and impact lives. If you’d like to contact her directly, you can reach her at tina.thesimpledesignco@gmail.com.


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